Which Mouthwash Is Best for You?

Which Mouthwash Is Best for You?

You probably already know that brushing and flossing every day is necessary to maintain healthy teeth and gums. You can also add mouthwash to your oral hygiene routine if you want to give yourself extra protection from bacteria, plaque, tartar, and dental cavities. Here are some tips for choosing the right mouthwash for your dental health and oral health needs. 

Preventing Plaque, Tartar, & Dental Cavities

Make sure your mouthwash contains fluoride, as it can remineralize weak or decalcifying enamel and slow down the progress of tooth decay. Essential oils also help control the buildup of plaque and tartar on teeth.   

Strengthening Teeth & Enamel

Fluoride is the most important ingredient in mouthwash if you want to strengthen your teeth and enamel. As you age, your teeth lose more and more enamel due to your diet, overall health, and your oral hygiene routine. Loss or weakening of enamel means your teeth are weaker and at a higher risk of chipping, cracking, or breaking. You can lower that risk and protect your teeth by choosing a mouthwash with fluoride. 

Protection for Sensitive Teeth

Choose an alcohol-free mouthwash to protect sensitive teeth. These mouthwashes typically contain chlorine dioxide, which can reduce bacteria and fight bad breath without causing discomfort of the teeth and gums. 

Fighting Bad Breath

Mouthwashes that contain alcohol can freshen breath and treat bleeding gums and gum disease. However, alcohol can also dry out the mouth and cause irritation, so you might seek alternatives. Chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride are other ingredients that kill bacteria and reduce gum inflammation. Your dentist can also prescribe medical mouthwash to treat halitosis, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

Contact John Carson DDS Today

If you need help maintaining your dental health in Tucson, AZ our team at John R. Carson, DDS, PC can help. We’ll help you find the perfect mouthwash for your oral hygiene and dental health needs. To schedule an appointment, call us today or contact us online.