A Look at the Process of Tooth Decay

A Look at the Process of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay starts out as a minor, reversible problem, but it can quickly progress and do serious damage to your smile without the right treatment. Attending regular dental cleanings will help you prevent tooth decay from permanently harming your teeth, since your dentist can help stop decay in its tracks. To help you understand the signs and symptoms of tooth decay, look at the stages of decay below.
Tooth enamel is among the most strong and durable materials in the body, but it is still vulnerable to damage. Following exposure to acids and sugars—which mix with bacteria in the mouth—tooth enamel will begin to demineralize on the surface. Demineralization can cause faint white spots on the teeth, but it will often go unnoticed without regular dental care.
Enamel Decay
If demineralization is unaddressed, decay will eventually erode through the outer surface of the enamel. At this point, damage is irreversible and must be corrected with a filling. However, the natural structure of the tooth can remain intact with a healthy tooth root when treatment occurs early.
Dentin Decay
Beneath the tooth enamel, the tooth is not completely solid. The dentin is a softer layer beneath the outer layer of the enamel, and decay will damage the dentin much faster than the enamel. Once decay progresses to this layer of the tooth, the lower structure of the root can become threatened.
The innermost layer of the tooth is the pulp, which is vulnerable to infection. If tooth decay progresses to the inside of the tooth, then a root canal and dental crown may become necessary to repair the tooth.
If you have noticed signs of tooth decay or you want to prevent future problems with your smile, schedule a consultation at the office of John Carson, DDS. Our Tucson dental practice is dedicated to state-of-the-art, compassionate care to cater to all smiles. Give us a call at (520) 514-7203 to hear what we can do for you.