Are Dental Implants Right For Your Smile?

Are Dental Implants Right For Your Smile?

Are Dental Implants Right for Your Smile? Your Guide to Dental Implants 

Your smile plays a crucial role in your life. Your smile reflects your confidence, personality, and overall health. A missing tooth or missing teeth not only decrease your self-confidence but also compromise your oral health. Fortunately, you have options to remedy an impacted smile, including dental implants with John Carson, DDS. 


Understanding Dental Implants 

As a ground-breaking restorative dental treatment, dental implants offer a modern design that allows patients to seamlessly restore missing teeth with an artificial tooth that mirrors the function and structure of a natural tooth. Dental implants consist of three pieces that work in unison to create your replacement tooth or teeth. The three main components include: 

  • Implant Body The implant post is made from a biocompatible titanium material. It acts as a prosthetic root to which   the final prosthetic tooth or crown is attached. 
  • Abutment: The abutment serves as a custom attachment between the implant body and the prosthetic  tooth or crown. 
  • Crown: The crown is the final restorative artificial tooth and the only visible portion of the dental implant. It is custom-tailored to seamlessly match your existing natural teeth. 

The Advantages of Dental Implants 

Dental implants boast a wealth of benefits that greatly enhance our patients’ lives. Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, so they allow patients to feel confident and secure with their smile while regaining full function. Some of the leading advantages of dental implants include: 

  • A beautiful, confident smile 
  • Comfortable speaking and chewing 
  • Long-lasting and secure 
  • Prevent bone loss 
  • No impact of neighboring teeth 
  • Improved oral health 

Determining If You’re a Candidate for Dental Implants 

Dental implants are an excellent choice when it comes to restorative dentistry as they are both long-lasting and offer a natural look and feel. However, there are certain patients who may not be eligible for this type of treatment. While there are virtually no age restrictions, there are several factors to consider to determine whether a patient is a candidate for dental implants, including: 

  • Jaw Bone Health: A patient must have sufficient jaw bone density and health in order to support their dental implants. Patients with bone loss may require a bone graft prior to beginning the dental implant process. 
  • Oral Health: A patient must have adequate oral health before embarking on the dental implant journey. Gum disease and other concerns must be treated first. 
  • Care and Maintenance: Just like natural teeth, dental implants must be cared for and maintained with proper oral hygiene regimens and regularly scheduled visits to the dentist. 

Dental Implant Consultations 

Dental implants involve several measures to create the perfect restorative dentistry solution for our patients. The journey begins with a consultation where our professionals will assess your oral health history and your mouth to determine whether dental implants are the right choice for your smile. A treatment plan is then curated based on your specific needs and the process will be explained to you in detail to help you plan for your dental implants. 

Exploring the Dental Implant Process 

Dental implant placement is a minor surgical procedure that takes place over the course of several appointments. During the first appointment, the titanium implant post is implemented into the jaw bone. Following this appointment, the post will begin to fuse with the bone over as it heals over the course of several months. Once healed, the abutment is connected to the implant post with a temporary crown while the permanent crown is being made. Once the permanent crown is custom-designed and ready, the temporary crown is removed and the final replacement is secured to unveil your new smile.  

Schedule Your Dental Implants Consultation Today! 

If you’re ready for a life-changing restorative dentistry treatment that gives you back your perfect smile, the practice of John R. Carson, DDS, PC welcomes you. We can assist with dental implants for single tooth replacement, implant supported bridges for multiple missing teeth, and All-on-Four implants to replace cumbersome removable dentures.