Answering Your Questions About Dental Implants

Answering Your Questions About Dental Implants

Dental implants are a cutting-edge way to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. Interested in learning more about this dental procedure? Our oral health experts at the dental practice of Dr. Carson, DDS are here to answer your questions about dental implants.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant refers to a small titanium post that is surgically implanted in a tooth socket. This post acts as a ‘root’ for a prosthetic tooth. Once the post has bonded to the jawbone, an abutment is placed on top that connects the implant to the prosthetic. Examples of prosthetics that can be attached to a dental implant include crowns, dentures, and bridges.

Who can get a dental implant?

Dental implants are a great option for patients looking to replace missing teeth.. However, not everyone is a good candidate for the procedure. Generally, your jawbone should be strong enough and large enough to support an implant, and any other dental health concerns usually need to be addressed before surgery. Dr. Carson can review your needs and determine your eligibility for the procedure.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

There are countless advantages to dental implants over other types of tooth replacement procedures. For one, dental implants can last a lifetime when taken care of properly, meaning you may never have to worry about getting another dental restoration. Dental implants function very much like natural teeth, so there are no restrictions on what you can eat or drink. Plus, they allow you to speak, chew, and bite as you normally would and they’ll never decay like normal teeth (but maintaining an oral hygiene routine is still essential).

Are dental implants covered by insurance?

Every insurance policy is different, so it depends on your individual coverage. Be sure to review your dental insurance policy to see if you have coverage for dental implants. The cost of a dental implant will vary widely based on your individual needs, the area of your mouth where the implant will be placed, and the type of prosthetic. We can provide you with a cost estimate during your consultation.

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants can last for a lifetime, but only if they are taken care of properly. Generally, there’s no special procedures or rules to follow—you just have to follow your oral hygiene routine and keep up with your professional teeth cleaning and exam appointments with our team at Dr. Carson’s office.

Schedule Your Appointment with Dr. Carson Today!

If you’re interested in learning more about our dental implant procedure, contact the office of Dr. John R. Carson, DDS today to schedule your appointment. We offer dental implants to our patients in the Tucson area as a modern way to replace missing teeth. We’re committed to helping you restore your smile, and we’re here to help you determine if dental implants are the key to unlocking better oral health for years to come.