Understanding All-on-Four Implant Restorations

Understanding All-on-Four Implant Restorations

Dental implants are often the restoration of choice for treating missing teeth. Since they are anchored directly into the jawbone, they’re a permanent solution. They look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth. Some patients may be good candidates for All-on-Four dental implants. You can talk to your dentist to find out if this might be a good choice for you.

What They Are

Just like other dental implants, All-on-Four implants replace missing teeth.The All-on-Four approach is different from regular dental implants in that it’s intended to replace a full arch of teeth. If you have all your natural teeth missing from either your bottom or upper jaw—or both—then you can restore your complete smile with just four dental implants per arch.

How They Work

The four implant posts placed at strategic intervals along the jaw to anchor a complete row of prosthetic teeth and gum tissue. With the All-on-Four approach, you don’t need to have an implant placed for every single missing tooth. The careful placement of the implant posts ensures that the bite force is distributed evenly and that the prosthetic device is stabilized.

Who Is a Good Candidate

Only your dentist can determine if you’re a good candidate for All-on-Four dental implants. They may be right for you if you have a full arch of missing teeth, or if you’re expecting to have a full arch extracted due to severe decay or damage. For any type of dental implant procedure, it’s preferable that the patient be a non-smoker in good overall health.

In the Tucson area, John R. Carson, DDS is one of the few dentists who offers All-on-Four dental implant solutions. Let us transform your smile and help you experience the renewed self-esteem and self-confidence that comes with having a beautiful, healthy smile! Get in touch today at (520) 514-7203.