Sedation Dentistry in Tucson

Our primary goal is to provide a safe, comfortable, and pain free experience during your entire visit. We understand that for many people, going to the dentist can be a traumatic experience, so we have taken important steps to assure that every dental patient is treated with the ultimate care.


We have several sedation dentistry options available based on the patient’s level of comfort.

Moderate Sedation – Oral Sedation

This process takes the patient into a much more relaxed state. The patient is conscious and able to respond, but may not remember much of the actual dental procedure. An example of moderate sedation is oral sedation. Oral sedation is accomplished by taking a pill that has been prescribed for you prior to your appointment. Moderate sedation requires you to have a family member or friend accompany you to your dental appointment.

Deep Sedation – IV Sedation

During this process the patient is in a pleasant and unconscious state and will be asleep for the entire procedure. The patient wakes up peacefully and calmly. An example of deep sedation is IV sedation. Deep sedation dental work requires you to have a family member or friend accompany you to your dental appointment.