Prepare for Your Wedding with a Smile Makeover

Prepare for Your Wedding with a Smile Makeover

When you look at the pictures from your big day, you’ll enjoy seeing everyone’s beautiful smiles. You can boost your confidence and feel and look your best thanks to cosmetic dentistry treatments like dental implants, porcelain veneers, and teeth whitening. Keep reading and prepare for your wedding with a smile makeover.
Dental Implants
You don’t want to be missing a front tooth in your wedding pictures, and there’s a safe and effective way to replace that missing tooth so your pictures come out just the way you had imagined. Dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth, so you can enjoy a brand-new smile and the confidence that comes along with it. A dental implant takes the place of a natural tooth in terms of both the crown and the root. The implant portion will continue to stimulate the jawbone, so your face stays the same shape and looks as beautiful as ever for your wedding.
Porcelain Veneers
A small chip in your tooth can be noticeable, and even if it’s not noticeable to other people, you might still be self-conscious about it. Porcelain veneers can solve that problem quickly and painlessly. A veneer is a thin shield that goes over the front of your tooth, covering up stains, cracks, chips, and gaps. Maintain your porcelain veneers and look your best on your wedding day by limiting or avoiding staining beverages like coffee and wine.
Teeth Whitening
If your teeth have already been stained, teeth whitening treatment can help. This is a great choice for those who start every day with coffee. Teeth whitening can make your teeth a few shades brighter, making your smile more contagious than ever.
Look your best on your wedding day with the help of a quality dentist in Tucson like John Carson, DDS. Visit his website or call the offices at (520) 514-7203 to learn about your smile makeover options.