How Comprehensive Dental Work Can Save You Time, Money, and Discomfort

How Comprehensive Dental Work Can Save You Time, Money, and Discomfort

An outdated school of thought is that visits to the dentist should only be made when you are experiencing pain or discomfort in the teeth and gums. This is problematic because a large amount of damage may have already occurred by the time symptoms begin to develop. Utilizing preventive care and correcting existing damage with restorative services can help you maintain optimum oral health, avoid the pain of complex dental treatments, and prevent irreversible damage.
What is Preventive Dentistry?
Thanks to current dental technology, including advanced imaging techniques, your dentist can detect problems at their earliest stages of development and help you prevent further damage before extensive treatment is necessary. Your dentist can also offer specific products that will keep your teeth in prime condition. Dental sealants are an effective way to block tooth decay, and protective mouth guards can save active individuals from painful and expensive injuries. Gum treatment is also an essential part of preventive care; periodontal disease is an incredibly common problem among Americans, but it is highly treatable when identified early.
How Does Cosmetic Dentistry Contribute to Comprehensive Care?
In spite of the name, cosmetic dentistry actually does as much for the health of your teeth and gums as it does for their appearance. Repairing imperfections in the teeth preserves the integrity of the bite, which reduces the chances of injury, tooth loss, and decay. Investing in restorative treatment can help patients stay motivated to care for their teeth and continue healthy habits.
The office of Dr. John Carson, D.D.S. is dedicated to providing all the necessary services to keep your mouth healthy through quick and efficient office visits. Our Tucson facilities feature cutting-edge technology that makes personalized treatment a possibility for every patient. Schedule a consultation to see the difference we can make in your oral health by visiting our website or calling (520) 514-7203.