How a Woman’s Hormones Influence Oral Health

How a Woman’s Hormones Influence Oral Health

179039030Throughout a woman’s life, her hormone levels change significantly. These hormonal changes could severely affect a woman’s oral health. Keep reading to learn more about the link between female hormones and oral health:
Hormonal Changes During Puberty
As the female body starts to go through puberty, it produces more estrogen and progesterone. These hormones send more blood to the gums, which could increase the risk for plaque and bacteria to build up and cause oral health problems like gingiviits and periodontal disease. Young girls should brush and floss their teeth every day, visit the dentists regularly, and eat a healthy diet to reduce the risk for these issues.
Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy
In order to prepare to give life to another person, a woman’s body goes through some significant hormonal changes during pregnancy. The female body produces more progesterone, which increases the risk for gum disease. Pregnant women have an increased risk of developing gingivitis or periodontal disease throughout every trimester. You should pay special attention to your oral health during pregnancy to avoid these issues.
Hormonal Changes During Menopause
Another major hormonal milestone for women occurs during menopause. When women deal with menopause, they might experience more sensitivity in their teeth and gums. They might also have less saliva flow, which increases the risk for cavities and periodontal disease. Women going through menopause also lose estrogen, which could decrease the strength of the bone in the jaw and might lead to tooth loss. Work closely with your dentist during menopause to avoid major problems.
Dr. John R. Carson is here to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout every stage of your life. Whether your hormones are affecting your oral health or you just want to get a general cleaning, our team is here to help you keep your teeth and gums in the best condition. To learn more about our services or to schedule your next appointment, visit us online or call (520) 514-7203.