Common Problems with CPAP Therapy

Common Problems with CPAP Therapy

Although CPAP therapy is effective for some people suffering from sleep apnea, many others cannot adapt to treatment and experience even more sleep problems than before they had their CPAPs. In these cases, your dentist could have the solution to your disrupted sleep. Oral appliance therapy is an alternative to CPAP therapy for sleep apnea. It often solves many problems associated with CPAP treatment, allowing sufferers to finally get the rest they need. Here is a closer look at some of the issues people have with CPAPs that can be reversed with oral appliance therapy.
Trouble Sleeping While Wearing the Mask
There is no getting around the fact that undergoing CPAP therapy means sleeping with a mask on your face. The mask is also attached to a hose, which is attached to a machine. Learning to sleep this way can take a huge adjustment, and some people never get used to it at all. Experiencing fitful sleep because you’re uncomfortable in the mask makes CPAP therapy pointless. Oral appliance therapy doesn’t involve a mask, which makes it much more comfortable for many people.
Skin Irritation
CPAP masks are notorious for causing skin irritation. The straps can rub against your skin while you’re sleeping, while the part of the mask that goes across the bridge of your nose can cause pain and pressure. Some people develop mild irritation, while others may develop skin sores. Oral appliances stay in your mouth, so they don’t cause these issues.
Difficulty with Forced Air
CPAPs keep your airway open with forced air. Some people are uncomfortable with the forced air and feel like they can’t breathe. With an oral appliance, your jaw is gently shifted forward, allowing you to breathe without the need for forced air.
Don’t let sleep apnea affect your rest for another night. Make an appointment with John Carson, DDS to see if you are a candidate for oral appliance therapy. To contact our dentist in Tucson, call (520) 514-7203.