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Water flossers like the Waterpik have become a popular addition to dental hygiene routines, often because they are recommended by dentists and other healthcare professionals. However, it’s important to recognize that a Waterpik is not intended to replace your daily flossing. Instead, it should be...

It’s common knowledge that patients should tell their doctors about all new medications they are taking, including over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and supplements. This is because some medications and supplements can interact with each other and cause side effects. But you may not know that your...

People generally expect that their primary care physicians will ask questions about their alcohol consumption. But what about your dentist? While it’s often thought that alcohol doesn’t have a significant effect on one’s oral health, the truth is quite different. In fact, alcohol consumption may...

FAQs and Answers About Bruxism Bruxism is the clinical term for chronic teeth grinding. It’s a movement disorder that can cause serious health complications, including dental problems. It’s possible to have bruxism without realizing it. In fact, some people are unaware that they have this disorder...

Sleep apnea is a chronic sleep disorder in which breathing temporarily ceases during sleep. When the brain senses the plummeting oxygen levels, it rouses the person from sleep and restarts breathing. Often, the patient is unaware that he or she stopped breathing and woke up....

Snoring can be a nuisance in any relationship. If your partner is snoring all night, then you might have trouble getting restful sleep due to the noise. However, the problem may go even deeper than that. In some cases, snoring may be a sign of...

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is a common condition among older adults, and it’s one that causes frequent complications with oral health. Saliva plays an important role in oral health and digestion. It protects the teeth by neutralizing acid, washing away food particles, and inhibiting bacterial...

Although there are many options available to restore lost teeth—including dental implants and dentures—it’s best to preserve your natural teeth for a lifelong healthy smile. Many seniors will suffer from tooth loss, but that doesn’t have to be your future. You can preserve the health...