Benefits of Regular Teeth Cleaning and Exams

Benefits of Regular Teeth Cleaning and Exams

97390712Even if you practice proper dental hygiene every day, there is a certain type of care that you can only get from your dentist in Tucson. Your dentist can help you understand the treatments that are currently available, check for signs of complications, and offer a professional cleaning. Here is a closer look at the benefits of regular teeth cleaning and exams.
Thorough Cleaning
No matter how often or carefully you brush your teeth your dentist will always be able to offer an even better cleaning. This is helpful when it comes to removing plaque from your teeth, and it is even more helpful when you have tartar; tartar is a hardened plaque-like buildup that only your dentist can treat. Having plaque and tartar removed can help you avoid complications like tooth decay and gum disease.
Discussion of Treatments
A teeth cleaning treatment and exam will give your dentist the opportunity to detect any hidden complications or symptoms that may be present in your teeth, gums, or jaws. You and your dentist can then discuss the different treatment options that you might want to consider in order to alleviate your symptoms.
Professional Screening
Regularly seeing your dentist can help protect you from a wide array of oral complications. Your dentist can check you for symptoms of tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer that may be difficult to discover on your own. Be sure to maintain an open communication with your dentist and go in for regular screenings so that you can get a head start on these problems and prevent them from becoming much worse.
Are you interested in experiencing the benefits of regular teeth cleaning and exams for yourself? Call John Carson, DDS at (520) 514-7203 or visit his website. Dr. Carson offers cosmetic dentistry in Tucson and offers a wide range of preventive procedures as well. Call or stop by our office to learn more about how we can help you!